The Decision to Live Free
Life has shown itself
to be whatever one makes of it. All that is needed is the mind and belief. But
many believe that what one achieves is because of themselves, divine
intervention or a combination of the two. Both play a major part, but when do you
know which one to activate? How does one impart success with their own being?
How does one invoke divine intervention? Can you bring about your failure trying
to use them? Never did I know that these things would be the reason as to why I
was not successful in my life. Until now. And it was all because of me and my
be clear. This is not a get-rich lecture. There is nothing here that is for
sale. I just wanted to share what I realized in me, and hope that I help
someone to see what they need to do to change their trajectory. Who does not
want to be successful? Who does not want to feel accomplished and fulfilled? We
are given this life to live and make the most of it with the time allotted.
Every day is an opportunity to make a difference in our lives by being a difference
in others.
how did I go from being a failure in thought to being a growing success in
self? I changed my mind. That’s it. That is literally all I did. I stopped
looking at others, and started looking at myself. I stopped equating my worth
to the worth of others. Success is something that is subjective. What one deems
as success is not a universal type. But social engineering and lack of self-awareness
can have one believe that if they are not where another is, then they are not
hope by now you are understanding why I am writing this. You are more than what
you see in the media. You are worth more than what belief systems and
ideologies portray. You do not have to be a billionaire to be successful. You
can be worthless with eight figures in your account. Money does not make you.
Money helps you to live comfortably. But that is it. It only helps. Teachings
from religious systems will tell you that wealth is a sin, or that it will keep
you from having a relationship with a higher power. But at the same time, tell
you to give your wealth to them to be of service. This is not an attack on
religion. This is a word of advice to not become so lost in teachings, that you
believe the spin which keeps you from understanding your worth.
you put your mind on, you align with. Whatever you concentrate on, you
attribute to your life. But the energy behind your thoughts is what powers your
life. You can think that you deserve more. But if your energy is saying that
you deserve nothing, no matter how much you think you deserve more, you will
get nothing. What is your source of thought? What is your energy base? What is
the foundation of your belief? Did you put it there, or was it implanted? Take
the time to ask yourself these questions. From there, ask yourself this one question.
Do you know who you are? If you can answer that question with honesty, then you
can change your way of thinking. And then, you can change your life.
who you are, so you can know what you are worth. Make up your mind what success
is to you, and then put your energy behind that vision. Because what may be
success to one, can be oppression to another. Learn yourself, and enrich yourself.
This is your road to happiness and wealth. Whatever you dream of, will be in
your possession. Just believe.
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